Computador sen limite – give me the chance to do

During the lasts weeks I traveled fast to reach Barbara in time, at the institute for blind people of Beira in which she is working.
About last year Barbara met some friends of Universal Access, a group of people concerning visual impairment and Apple products.
She learnt some basics notions about them to be able to teach how to use computers and tablet to visual impaired student’s of IDV, Institute Deficientes Visuais.
I cannot explain to you how much enthusiasm and interest I found on those guys, they surrounded me all the time, listening while I worked with a Mac and asked me a lot of questions about my iPhone, they have never seen one before.
I think enthusiasm and interest are synonymous of growth and social development, over whatever disability.
We should give to them the opportunities to improve their studies and informatic skills.
Here we have some videos that tell what I mean when I say they deserve to receive helps.

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