Travelling from Ankara to Teheran


I left ankara helped by a woman that worked at the hostel, she brought me to the negro station.
After some stops I left the metro and, as I did the day before, I tried to find the train station, close to there.
Then I had to find my platform and it was not so easy, because nobody spoke English…
Finally I met a man that understood I needed the second platform, also because I showed him my ticket; there I found an Iranian old man that was waiting for my same train and he told me he would have helped me.
He brought me to buy some food and then we caught the train.
I found my train chamber, I was with three Turkish guys very friendly and we started to talk.
We spent almost three days together, they were so helpful!
I also met two Iranian guys, two Germans and one from poland, all of them nice and helpful, until I reached my hostel in teheran.

1 commento

  1. E’ sempre bello sentire la tua voce e il tuo inglese così corretto!!! Il tuo viso è così simpatico…. ed è bello vedere anche quello :*


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