A long Swiss trip

I tried to go to Switzerland searching in a community of sharing journey car, I found a good opportunity to get close to Zurich, in a town called St. Gallen, somebody in the hostel told me that it was a good place where to spend the night. The driver could speak only german, so we couldn’t have conversations, anyway he did his best to make me feel confortable.

We arrived in St. Gallen in the evening, the man left me at the train station and from there I started to walk, searching for a place where to spend the night, but I realized soon that I probably was not in the optimal place because I walked hundreds meters meeting only cars and bikes.

After half an hour I finally found a guy that showed me where the center of the town was, a very small center, it was quite empty and I got the confirm that the place was absolutely an optimal solution for me.

I rested in a bar, I was thirsty, I talked a bit with the bartender, asked her some suggestion but she didn’t know how to help me, she anyway was very kind offering what I ordered.

I left the bar to continue with my research and I met a man on the street, I asked him about accommodations near by, but he knew only expensive hotels, so he called another guy, Coco, to find out how to help me and at the end they suggested me to go to a bigger city, Rorschach, where it could be easier to find what I was searching for; both of the guys were helpful, one of them accompanied me to catch the train and he paid the ticket, because I didn’t have Swiss money.

Once arrived I left the train and a guy offered me his help, leading me outside, I explained him my situation and he waited his friend Sasha, that was going to host him and they stayed with me while I was searching hostels, but I didn’t find anything available, it started to be complicated.

It was already night and I found a train to Lugano, where somebody was waiting for me, the only problem was that I had to wait until the morning.

Filip and Sasha supported me as they could, giving me food and some money, I really appreciated it, thank you so much guys!

The plan was to wait on a bench about five hours to catch the train, but after half hour I decided to walk somewhere, around the station, some guys came to help me, I don’t know why but I told them that I needed to go to Zurich and they told me that there was a train leaving in fifteen minutes.

The money that Filip gave me were enough to buy the ticket, the guys assisted me to get on the train and I changed city, once again.

I reached Zurich about 2 in the morning, the station was completely empty and I went out thanks by two Korean guys that I heard not far from me.

I was alone in the street and I was tired, I didn’t know what to do, I just walked directed to some voices, it was a group of people in a bar, so I came in and I ordered some water.

I was sitted close to some guys, I don’t remember how we started to talk, I probably asked them if they knew a hostel around there and I was also searching with my smartphone; after some minutes they told me that if it was ok for me I could sleep at their home, it was the perfect solution of my problems!

Marting went to his home and I went with Stefano and Roberto, I took a restoring shower and the couch, gosh, the couch was so comfortable!

Great, I found amazing people one more time, I was really satisfied and grateful with them; after a good breakfast they accompanied me back to the train station and I caught my train to Lugano fresh, clean and happy!

Thank you guys, I was completely lost and after meeting you I found my lighted way!


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