Auberge de la gentillesse


Did I like New Caledonja?
It’s hard to say…
I booked a place to stay in Noumea, l’Auberge de la jeunesse, but when I arrived there I didn’t find the hospitality found everywhere so far: Mrs Andrea asked me, surprised and annoyed, why I didn’t tell that I’m blind when I booked.
I answered I never did that to book every hotel and I asked about the problem.
She said it was a problem, they didn’t have any insurance for handicap people, I could fall from the stairs!
I felt absolutely not welcome and I said I would have found another place to stay, she was happy.
I’m sorry Andrea, this is not the way to do, life will teach you that, not too much hardly I hope.
So, I went to the entrance and I asked to some people there if they knew any other place to stay but everything it’s very expensive in New Caledonia!
Anyway a very friendly girl came to talk with me, she tried to find a solution for me and her friend proposed to me to go to the center with them, to search a place.
We tried many places but everything expensive; I also didn’t want to choose the ” money solution “: I have to travel a lot more, I could pay a fucking exclusive place, but I preferred to go to a bar, drink a beer and wait for something better to tell.
Unfortunately I forgot your names, my great friends, I anyway want to thank you so much.
Did I find a better solution?
Of course! It’s called Quentin, that introduced me other friends: Eric, Lorette, Sebastien and Clémentine.
They hosted me three days in their house, just the time to organise my next step.
They did everything for me and the only way I found to thanks then it was to cook an Italian risotto.
During the second day in Noumea I went alone to the city center to get local money, local sim card, to find a boat to continue my travel and I found many people so friendly: some women accompanied me to three different banks, four young girls walked with me to find a shop for the sim card, a woman gave me a lift by car to the post office, after there a man showed me the way to find a free wifi… and then for the boat, many people along the way through the center, a woman closed the shop to bring me to the travel agency, from where two nice girls accompanied me to the arbor office and to a bar; all that carrying my backpack, at the evening I was tired.
Do you see? money are not the solution, the goodness of the people is the solution.
I’m traveling just for that!


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