Museum Of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, the vibrancy of Maori culture

Christopher 1Christopher 2Christopher 3

It’s a sunny day, let’s go to the beach!
A man at the reception told me it was a warm day, I anyway worn my jacket.
I didn’t find a lot of people along my way and in some situations in which I needed a help it seemed the small people close to me ignored me; I though that maybe here they are used to see blind people walking alone.
I anyway found a guy, a fireman perhaps, that stopped the truck to help me to cross a big street, lovely.
He also gave me the right direction to the beach and after some minutes I was facing another big street to cross and I had no idea about how to do it.
So, another kind person arrived, Christopher.
I was recording, you can listen what a nice man he was.
I finally reach the beach and I enjoyed the sun and the wind.
About half an hour later I felt hungry and I asked where I could find some food to a walking lady.
I walked along the seacoast and the path was clear, but I didn’t know exactly where to find food… I met a friendly Indian guy.
Some positive meetings already, I was satisfied, it was probably a lucky day.
A woman offered me some strawberries and when I heard I was close to the museum I found two guys that accompanied me there.
What a wonderful place!
They are organized to assist blind visitors and that day the guide was free just for me.
Bruce explained me a lot of interesting things professionally and with a genuine passion, I took many pictures and I learnt some curious things about Maori population.
At the end of the tour Bruce showed me what terrible picture he has to watch everyday from the top of the building!
Even more satisfied I left my great guide and I walked back to my hostel; some minutes after another helpful person proposed to me his help: Paul walked with me until my destination, very kind.
Yeah, it has been a very lucky day, thank you so much to all of you!


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