Budapest, pictures and a new experiment


I though it was a pity you couldn’t really feel all the amazing meetings I have all the time, so I tried a new way to give you some more realistic experiences, even more similar as I live.
I turned on the recorder of my iPhone before to start to walk around the city, in sorry for the coins in my pocket, next time I will do better.
Well, I asked to Joka for some nice places where to take some pictures and she told me about st. Steven’s basilica, explaining me the way.
Them I started my walk and after a few minutes I found Monica, that helped me to cross a big street and she also brought me to my objective; so I took some pictures about the basilica and about the square.
It has been so easy that I decided to go on.
I walked for maybe twenty minutes, without destination apparently.
I met many people that helped me in several situations and unfortunately my recorder was not working; then you cannot listen about Bassel, a very friendly and helpful African guy that helped me to choose my next destination, he putted me on a bus and asked to the driver to tell me when I had to get off.
Then I went to visit the castle.
I walked around meeting many people but nobody could really show my the right way… and finally I found what I needed.
Enjoy the pictures about the church!

Walking to the castle

Walking to Steven’s basilica



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